Protege Health

Protege Health

Sourcing the data that powers breakthroughs

Sourcing the data that powers breakthroughs

Sourcing the data that powers breakthroughs

For Model Builders

We've built the richest set of training data in healthcare across modalities. Our data offerings include:

Over 100 million medical images

Over 3 billion clinical notes

Over 3 billion lab results

Our easy-to-use platform allows you to quickly find all the data you need, reducing the length of the data procurement process by 90% or more. We ensure that you'll know exactly what you'll be getting before you actually license any data. And our best-in-class data privacy procedures ensure that patient confidentiality is upheld throughout the entire process.

When you’re building AI diagnostics tools, finding the right data can be hard. We’ve made it easier with our white paper.

Access it here.

For Data Holders

The model builders in our network include some of the largest and most successful companies in the world. Privacy is core to Protege, and we began a privacy review before we wrote a line of code.

You don't need to be an AI expert: Our process is simple enough to create value for a data holder who knows nothing about AI, and sophisticated enough to benefit even the most discerning AI developer.

If you're building in AI and looking for healthcare data for your model, or if you own such data and want to explore new partnership opportunities, we'd be excited to connect. Get in touch with us below.